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여러분이 좋아할만한 에로틱하면서 사이버틱한 여체 프로젝션 맵핑

by 일본나까마 2013. 6. 2.
여체 프로젝션 맵핑(Projection Mapping)

한줄기 빛이 때론 부드럽게 때론 강렬하게 달려간다.
넘치는 사이언스 픽션(Science Fiction, SF)감과 사이버펑크(Cyberpunk)의 향기
블레이드러너(Blade Runner)의 세계로 빠져 보심이...ㅋ
후속작이 기대된다.

We are two young french directors that decided to create a real time installation and make a video from it.
"Light Rhapsody" is a real time human lighting sculpture. A 3D model has been projected in real time over the real model through a projecting device. It creates a radiant dissemination emanating from her skin.That projection was animated and progress over her entire body until it has reached and invaded her face.
2 days shooting with the model (thanks to you Julia Nana for your patience) and another one for the wild shot of NYC.
We shot with two cameras, a D90 and a 1Dmk4 cause the budget was super tight.
We would like to make some special thanks to our model, Julia Swell and our talented make up artist Cindy Leroux. Thanks to Hsiao-han Lan 筱涵 our magic set photographer !!!
Marc & Vivien

블레이드러너 1982년 미국 SF영화로 SF영화의 금자탑으로 불리운다. 1993년 미국 국립영화등기부(National Film Registry)에 영구보존 등록되었다.

Blade Runner - Theme End Titles (1982)
